Adult Full Weekend: $35   |  Adult Half Weekend: $20

Student Full Weekend: $15   |  Student Half Weekend: $10

Kids 12 and under are FREE!


Make a donation to support the work of TrueCity.

Are finances a barrier to attending this year’s conference? Don’t let it stop you from participating! Please email us. We want to help ;)

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Still other seed fell on good soil. It came up, grew and produced a crop. MARK 4:8 

Fertile soil is one of Jesus’ favourite images for stirring reflection on vibrant spiritual life. He provokes us to consider, how do we live a ‘good soil’ kind of life together? What are the conditions in the collective soil of our lives which allows good things to grow? When at its best TrueCity has cultivated such soil as we have leaned into our aspiration to be churches together for the good of the city.

For the past 20 years one way we have done this is to collectively set aside a Friday evening and a Saturday to come together with brothers and sisters from other local congregations to worship, share stories, learn, and celebrate what God is growing among us. This year we want to call attention to this and other such collective practices that create good soil. We will reflect on two decades of experience together and consider what God has done to cultivate the soil in our city so that good things have come to life. And we will look ahead to how we can keep on Growing Together, witnessing to God’s on-going faithfulness in Hamilton.

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Further the work of TrueCity

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Friday Evening

6:00 pm Doors Open
7:00-9:00 pm Session 1

Saturday Morning

8:00 am Doors Open & Coffee
9:00-10:00 am Session 2
10:15-11:30 am Breakout Sessions
11:30am-12:00pm Snackluck
12:00pm-12:45pm Closing Session

TrueCity Prayer Room

February 24 - March 9
Hosted by GOHOP at Wentworth Baptist Church
120 Wentworth St N (at Cannon St E)
Find out more at gohop.ca

TrueCity KIDS

Children are welcome to come and join their parents. A “KidzPack” (geared for those ages 4-12) will be available. Please register your child to reserve theirs.


SnackLuck Invitation 

We would love to have an assortment of nut-free, store-bought treats to enjoy together during our Intermission on Saturday morning, so we are inviting everyone to bring something to share and to drop it off on the kitchen counter in the atrium when you arrive on Saturday morning.


Adult Full Weekend: $35  |  Adult Half Weekend: $20

Student Full Weekend: $15  |  Student Half Weekend: $10

Kids 12 and under are FREE!


Parking is available on-site, and is free to all those who are joining us this weekend. Please enter the church through the doors that you will see from the parking lot and check-in at the Registration Table in the Atrium.

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Dave witt


  • Dave Witt is a Church Network Developer who works to catalyze collaboration and deepen the relationships between the various churches which make up the TrueCity network. His life and work have been shaped by the city of Hamilton for the past 26 years.

    Dave and his wife Alison have been married for 33 years and enjoy calling the ever-evolving diversity of Hamilton’s North End home. They are part of the Eucharist Church community. They have two sons – Josiah who with his wife Kayla, and their three-year-old daughter Vivienne live in Hamilton and Micah who lives in Toronto with his wife Linda. Most mornings you will find him walking somewhere along the waterfront.

Madison Eckert

Hope Story / Act Five

  • Madison moved to Hamilton two years ago and works for Hope Story as well as is the Residence Manager at Act Five. At any given point, she could be living with 15-20 young adults, exploring the Blakely neighbourhood. Madison is a lover of the outdoors, enjoys practicing the art of good question asking, and finds rest in exploration and movement. She loves being newly part of the world of TrueCity and seeing the Church in Hamilton try beautiful things.




Alison Witt

IAFR Canada / Open Homes

  • Alison loves living in the beautiful North End of Hamilton. Hamilton has been home for most of her life - except for the 10 years when she lived in the Philippines. She has worked amongst refugees for the past 20 years. Currently she works with IAFR Canada and helps lead Open Homes Hamilton - a program that partners with churches to provide short-term housing and support for newly arrived refugee claimants. She is a part of Eucharist Church and eagerly looks forward to the annual conference where she delights in worshiping, praying and learning from her friends from the other TrueCity Congregations.

Jeff Neven

CEO of Indwell

  • Jeff is the CEO of Indwell, a Christian charity that creates affordable housing communities that support people seeking health, wellness, and belonging. Alongside his team and community, Jeff has grown the organization from serving just seven tenants in Hamilton to supporting over 1,200 people in seven municipalities across southwestern Ontario. He was born and raised in Hamilton and lives with his wife Maria and their four kids near Gage Park. Together with a small group of friends, they planted New Hope Community Church, a community that cares deeply for the East end and meets at Indwell’s Perkins Centre. Jeff has also been involved in the creation of three community bike shops, including New Hope Community Bikes in Hamilton.

Ian Stuart


  • Ian was born in Hamilton, moved away, and returned to attend McMaster where he met his wife, Margie. They have lived here since they married in 1991 and attend Bethany Gospel Chapel. Ian is an elementary teacher in Burlington and has been teaching for 24 years. He studied languages in university, intending to go on the mission field, but God made it clear that he was to stay here and has been blessed in connecting with people in the city from around the world. Ian has learned so much about the character and beauty of God as he has made friends from a variety of churches in Hamilton, and his own faith has been deepened by experiencing different expressions of faith.

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Anne teGrotenhuis

Immanuel Christian Reformed Church

  • Anne teGrotenhuis is a born and raised Hamiltonian who has been the worship and music coordinator at Immanuel Christian Reformed Church on Mohawk Road since 2004 (with a maternity leave thrown in there).  She has been teaching piano lessons since 1997 and loves to bring people together to make music, especially with brothers and sisters in Christ in TrueCity.  She and her amazing husband Ken homeschool their two wonderful children, and they enjoy camping as well as pizza and movie night as a family.



Nate Oudyk (St. Clair Community Church), Peter Tigchelaar (First Hamilton CRC), Rick Flokstra (Immanuel CRC), Leo Bogle (Church of God of Prophecy), Brielle Goheen (New Hope), Natanya Hill (Philpott Church), Shantel Mahoney (Church of God of Prophecy).


Lena Scholman (New Hope Church) & Jon Berends (Philpott Church)

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Jennifer Bowen

Shalem Mental Health Network

Mental Health: The Elephant in the Pew

  • For centuries, the church had created solutions for poverty, food insecurity and housing when their community suffered. This will be a workshop and discussion about the current mental health challenges in our churches and the steps congregations can take to address these needs. We'll discuss what is working and what's still needed. We'll also learn about Shalem's programs supporting Churches in Canada, alongside other great mental health resources available to faith communities needing support.

  • Jennifer has served Shalem Mental Health Network as Executive Director since 2021. Before this role, she led its counselling program for 12 years and has loved her time growing and supporting Shalem’s staff in its mission to restore Hope. Before Shalem, she worked for 20 years in the field of marriage and family therapy as a psychotherapist, consultant and trainer in both faith-based and secular agencies. She brings a passion for team building, visioning and community partnerships and loves walking alongside organizations in their pursuit of better health and wellbeing. She completed her undergraduate degree at the University of Toronto, studying psychology and religion, was active in leadership in InterVarsity Christian Fellowship, and completed a Master of Divinity in Marriage and Family Counselling at Tyndale Seminary. When not working, you can find her enjoying time with her two children, pouring over a novel, and likely brewing some tea.


John Bowen & Matt Pamplin

Professor of Evangelism at Wycliffe College / Pastor & Church Planters Support

Discipleship: A Long Obedience in the Same Direction

  • Discipleship is something of a buzzword these days. But what exactly does it mean, and why does it matter? We will look at the basic concept of being an apprentice of Jesus and how that works out in practice for individuals and churches, particularly in the True City network. We will share our own thoughts and experience, and hope you will come prepared to do the same.

  • John is emeritus professor of evangelism at Wycliffe College, Toronto. His most recent book is The Unfolding Gospel: How the Good News Makes Sense of Discipleship, Church, Mission, and Everything Else (Fortress 2021). He is a member of St. John the Evangelist parish in Hamilton.

  • Matt has lived and pastored in downtown Hamilton. He now spends his days homeschooling his son and works part-time supporting pastors and church planters.


Anthony Siegrist

A Rocha

Creation Care: Churches Caring for Creation - What Can We Do?

  • What can churches do to care for creation? How might churches incorporate caring for God’s world into their congregational life and mission? Can we be hopeful and alarmed about the state of the natural environment at the same time? This workshop will explore ways to get started and ways to make more of a difference in this critical missional frontier. We’ll share examples, practical steps, and new ideas.

  • Anthony serves as the Director of A Rocha Ontario, a Christian nature conservation organization. He previously worked as a pastor, theology prof, farm hand and wilderness adventure guide.


Stephanie Schreuders & Danielle Steenwyk-Rowaan

Micah House / Open Homes

Learning Together: Stories of Refugee Care & Hospitality in Hamilton

  • Join Micah House and Open Homes as we listen to and share stories about how churches in our city are welcoming refugees. Together we’ll reflect on what we’re learning and what questions come up as we explore next steps for churches on the continued journey of extending welcome and hospitality to our new neighbours.

  • Stephanie started as the Executive Director at Micah House in 2022. She comes to Micah House with experience working in international development and refugee resettlement, having worked in Canada, Ghana, Kenya and Burkina Faso. Stephanie studied social work at Redeemer University and has a Masters in Peace and Conflict Studies from the University of Waterloo.

  • Danielle is the Team Leader of Open Homes Hamilton, a ministry that supports refugee claimants by offering home-based hospitality. Danielle is a settler of Dutch-Canadian heritage, often playing the complicated role of welcomer to lands on which she is fundamentally a guest of the Haudenosaunee and Anishinaabe peoples. She is part of New Hope Church and lives in the Rosedale neighbourhood with her husband Dan, their sweet baby Theo, their housemate Idrissa, and their dog Roo(or Roocifer).


Andy Groen



  • Prayer is an essential practice in the Christian Life. It is central to knowing God and following Christ. Paul exhorts us to “pray continually” (1 Thessalonians 5:17). John Wesley boldly asserted that ‘God does nothing but in response to prayer.’ Yet, we often find prayer to be challenging, dry and/or difficult to sustain.

    Through teaching, discussion and, of course, prayer (we’ll try out three prayer practices), this workshop will explore some ways for individuals and congregations to take some steps forward in prayer.

  • Andy (M. Div) wears many hats: Husband, father, Executive Director of Greater Ontario House of Prayer (GOHOP), spiritual director, furniture restorer and small-business owner. As a “contemplative-charismacademic,” Andy is a student of rich diversity of Christian traditions and has grown and benefited from a diversity of teachers and mentors in the school of prayer. Andy and his family live in the Sherman neighbourhood and attend St. Clair Community Church.


Alice Plug-Buist

Helping Hands Street Mission

Homelessness: “Plant gardens and eat their fruit” together with your homeless neighbours

  • What does it look like to seek the welfare of the city together with those who are marginalized, overlooked and often relegated to being the subjects of service or “welfare”? When we read in James 2 that God has chosen the poor in the world to be heirs of the kingdom, what does that mean for how we relate to the “homeless” among us? How can we as the church be welcoming to the stranger, even the stranger we may fear, not just by serving them, but by opening ourselves up to being God’s family together?

  • Alice is privileged to have been welcomed into the friendship community at Helping Hands Street Mission since 2018 - first as neighbour and volunteer and then as Executive Director. Prior to finding home at Helping Hands, she regularly engaged with community members all around the city but at times found herself vulnerable and fearful. Helping Hands gave her opportunity to connect with a diversity of people in a safe space, where everyone cares for each other in community. Since then, she has been blessed to meet Jesus alive in folks who are hungry, thirsty, strange, in need of clothing, sick and incarcerated, and privileged to grow in God’s family together with them.


Jon Berends

Act Five

Youth: Rooting & Engaging the “Failure to Launch” Generation (and how that title maybe isn’t fair!) 

  • What is it that we long for in our youth? What is "the gospel" to which we are wanting our youth to be held? I imagine you have questions. In a world that presents endless content, an ambiguous landscape for virtue and future plans, and a vision of limitlessness as true freedom, how do we walk with our youth in a way that offers hope, deep roots and a call (and some practices) to engage with courage and humility in this wild world? Come for a conversation among peers who are (probably) asking similar questions.

  • Jon comes to this conversation with various experiences that lead to wonderings, questions and perhaps some helpful framework and practices. With a background of camp ministry and high school teaching and his current context in directing Act Five, Jon does not see himself as an expert in this field but as one who has the privilege of keeping key questions around youth engagement and faith formation active in his life and work.

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A creative and interactive space to pray for our city

OPEN February 24 - Saturday, March 9,2023

Prayer is integral to the work of God in Hamliton and in TrueCity. Once again, GOHOP is partnering with TrueCity to host two weeks of prayer following the 2024 Conference. This year, in addition to our beautiful prayer space with interactive prayer stations to help guide and inspire your prayers, we are having nightly prayer gatherings. At 8pm each night we will gather to practice a different kind of prayer. You won’t want to miss it! Be watching for the full schedule to be coming soon. 


GOHOP Prayer Room (Wentworth Baptist Church - 120 Wentworth St N)

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A special thank you to this year’s amazing sponsors

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Congregational Based • Neighbourhood Engaged • Active Cooperation • Humble Orthodoxy • Margins at the Centre • Whole City View • Growth Through Collaboration